Class Award 28 October

Sam got the class award on Friday 28 October for being a motivated learner. She takes a full and active part in everything that we do. She is also quick to complete tasks. What a great attitude, keep this up Sam.

Class Award 21 October

Annelise got the class award on Friday 21 October for writing amazing stories. She has interesting ideas and can use punctuation accurately,
not to mention paragraphs as well. Well done Annelise.

Class Award Friday 14 October

Phoenix got the class award on Friday for being a great narrator for our Friday assembly item. She was clear, confident and great with the timing of her lines. Well done Phoenix.

Class Award Friday 9 September

Leo got the class award on Friday for being a focused learner and always trying very hard at everything he does. Well done Leo, you are amazing.

Class Award 2 September

Lily got the class award on Friday for being a focused learner and always doing her best. She takes a full part in all class activities. Well done Lily, keep this up.

Class Award

Jack got the class award on Friday 19 August for being a good thinker and thinking skills. He can think through problems quickly and explain his answers clearly. Well done Jack, keep this up!

Class Award

Georgia got the class award on Friday 5 August for very neat handwriting in all aspects of her writing. She takes pride in the presentation of her work. Well done Georgia, keep this up!

Class Award Friday 29 July

Hazel got the class award on Friday for careful and accurate work in all her learning. She is also an independent thinker. Well done Hazel, keep this up. You are awesome.

Principal's Challenge Friday 8 July

Kaden got the Principal's Challenge on Friday 8 July for being a good Problem Solver. He has a thoughtful and considered approach to problem solving. He contributes many good ideas. Well done Kaden. Keep this up.

Class Award Friday 1 July

Chloe got the class award on Friday 1 July for taking an active part in all class programmes. She always gives things ago and is positive about new things. What a great attitude and life skill. Well done Chloe.

Class Award Friday 24 June

Holly got the Rimu class award on Friday 24 June for writing great stories that have lots of interesting words and information. Keep this up Holly.

Class Award 10 June

Danni got the class award on Friday 10 June for a great attitude towards learning. She always tries hard and tries to be accurate. What a great attitude Danni. Keep this up.

Class Award 17 June

Maddison got the class award on Friday 17 June for a positive and consistent focus on her learning tasks. She always tries hard and the award is well deserved. Well done and keep this up Maddison.

Class Award Friday 20 May

Lily got the class award on Friday 20 May for writing great stories. Her stories have interesting ideas and she explains them well. Keep this up Lily. Well done.

Class Award 15 May

English got the class award on Friday 15 May for great progress in reading and writing. This has been very pleasing. Well done English, keep on trying.

Class Award Friday 6 May

Alecia got the Rimu class award on Friday 6 May because she had a very good week learning with her buddies and playing well with others outside. Well done Alecia. Keep this up.

Class Award Friday 8 April

Liam got the class award on Friday 8 April for being respectful to others and being a great role model. Well done Liam you are amazing.

Class Award Friday 1 April

Mia got the class award on Friday 1 April for a positive attitude towards learning and trying hard with everything that she does. Well done Mia, keep this up.

Class Award Friday 18 March

Lily got the class award on Friday 18 March for a positive attitude towards learning. She takes a full part in all class programmes and is a very good contributor to class discussions. Keep this up Lily.

Class Award Friday 11 March

Leo got the class award on Friday for a great attitude towards reading and writing. He always tries hard and does his best. Well done Leo, keep this up you are amazing.

Class Award Friday 26 February

Tyler got the class award on Friday 26 February for trying hard at reading, writing and maths. He has also been making a positive difference at school by sharing his scooter with others. Well done Tyler, keep this up.

Class Award Friday 19 February

Alissa got the class award on Friday 19 February for great attitude to all learning tasks. She takes an active part in everything that we do and always applies herself well to tasks. We done and well deserved Alissa.

Class Award Friday 12 February

Mason got the class award on Friday 12 February for a great start to the school year and for trying hard with everything that we do. Well done Mason, keep this up.

Week 1, Term 1, 2016

Well done Rimu for an amazing first week back. You have coped well with 3 different teachers and all with a smile! They class all enjoyed privilege time on the playground before our first assembly of the year.

 Annelise got our first class award of 2016. Annelise has shown respect to others and has a positive attitude to learning. She is one of the youngest int the class and is a great role model to others. Tino pai, well done Annelise.