Liam got the class award in room 5 for being a good team member and showing leadership.Well done Liam.
Rianna got the room 5 class award for writing good stories and using interesting words. Well done Rianna.

Room 5 Visit Poorman's Stream

On Friday 3 August in cold and showery conditions Room 5 brave the conditions and walked down to Poorman's Stream for a stream study. Mel from the Nelson City Council was there to tell us what to do and how to use the equipment. We were finding out how healthy the stream was and what we can do to ensure it stays healthy. We had to measure the water quality and flow. We had net to catch the small creatures that live in and on the water. We had a great time in spite of the weather and we caught lots of mayflies.
We have been trying hard to improve our writing in Room 5 and Akiana got the class award for doing exactly this on Friday 3 August. She also got it for very good progress in reading. Well done Akiana.
Georgia got the class award on Friday 27 July for great progress with her swimming. Well done Georgia. It's also great to hear that you are now doing more lessons after school. Good luck.

During the first two weeks of Term 3 Room 5 were doing swimming lessons at The ASB Aquatic Centre. Everyone enjoyed their time at the pool and here are some photos of what we were doing.