The Room 5 Class Award went to Lily for great story writing, fantastic maths and great topic work. Well done Lily!
Kyan got the class award on Friday 14th September.  This was for neat writing and great progress in reading and maths.  Well done Kyan!
Damon got the Room 5 class award on Friday 7 September for great progress in Reading, Writing and Maths. You are amazing. Keep it up  Damon.
Nina got the class award on Friday 31 August for her active participation and contribution in class programmes. Nina is an attentive learner who is always keen to share her ideas. Keep this up Nina you are amazing.
Daniel got the class award on Friday 24 August for great progress in the recall of basic maths facts. He can recall the addition and subtraction facts to 20 with speed and accuracy and this award recognises the time he has put into learning them. Well done Daniel.