Class Award

Lucy M got the class award on Friday 6 December for taking an active and full part in all class activities. She also works very well with others. Well done Lucy M.
Nevaeh got the class award in November for outstanding work in maths by adding tens to two digit numbers. She is also trying very hard to write interesting stories. Well done Nevaeh.

Class Award

Brooklyn got the class award in November for amazing work in maths and having great ideas in his story writing. Well done Brooklyn.
Zariyah got the class award in November for taking a full and active part in all class activities and being a kind and caring. Well done Zariyah.

Class Award

Isaac got the class award for writing recounts using many descriptive words to create visual images for the reader. He also takes a quiet but active part in class programmes. He always explains his ideas or understandings carefully and accurately. Well done Isaac.

Lucy got the class award on Friday 1 November for a great attitude to learning and writing amazing stories. Well done and well deserved Lucy. Keep this up.

Class Award 25 Oct

Aliyah got the class award for writing amazing stories using descriptive words. Well done on a great start to the term.

Class Award 18 Oct

Jayden got the first class award for Term 4 for applying himself very well to reading, writing and maths. Well done on a great start to the term.

Principal's Challenge Term 3

Jade got the Principal's Challenge at the end of Term 3 for being an amazing problem solver. She got the award for being able to find several solutions to a problem. Well done Jade, this is a great life skill.

On Friday 20th September Tayla got the class award for leadership and confidence. These are great skills to have. Well done Tayla.

Jonty got the class award on Friday 13th September for  great progress in reading and writing. Well done Jonty.

On Friday 6 September Dominic got the class award for a very good attitude towards learning and trying hard. Well done Dominic!

Che got  the  class award on Friday 30 August for great writing and very good progress in maths. Che, you are amazing.

Ella got the class award on Friday 23rd August for learning at home and school. She has been keen to find out about our topic and write stories at home. Ella you are amazing.

On Friday16th August Deanne got the class award for completing written tasks quickly. Well done Deanne, keep this up.

Nevaeh  got the first class award for Term Three for  a great start to the term. She is also writing amazing stories. Keep this up, Nevaeh.

Cody got the Principals Challenge for Term Two, for being Physically Active. Cody takes a full part in all physical activities and is always active at intervals and lunchtimes. Furthermore he often initiates games or activities for others to play. Well done Cody.

Class Award

On Friday 28 June Dominic got the class award for great work in maths, writing and rugby skills. Dominic is a very good tackler. Keep this up.

Class Award

On Friday 21 June Lucy Dodson got the class award for being a focused learner and taking a full part in all class programmes. Well done Lucy.

Aliyah got the class award on Friday 14th June for a great application to writing and the cross country. Congratulations for getting first place in the cross country. Well done Aliyah.

Immy got the class award on Friday 7th of June for amazing progress in reading and writing. Well done Immy.
Tayla got the class award on Friday 31th May for being kind, caring and organised. She always does her best and takes a full part in all class programmes. Tayla you amazing.
Jade got the class award on Friday 25th May for being a focused learner and taking an active part in all class programmes. Well done Jade.
This term we have been doing buddy reading with Room 11. Our class has a Room 11 buddy to read to. Here are some photos of us reading with Room 11.

Sam got the class award on Friday 17th May for good participation in class programmes. These were reading news groups,running and assemblies. Well done Sam!
Flynn got the class award on Friday 10th of May for awesome reading and writing great stories with interesting words. What a great start to Term Two. Well done Flynn.

Zariyah got the Principal's Challenge award for being an effective communicator on the last day of Term One. She also shows empathy towards others. Well done Zariyah you are amazing.

Rosa got the class award on Friday 12th of April. She got the award for making very good progress in reading and maths. Well done Rosa!

On Friday  5th of April Jonty M got the class award for a big improvement in his handwriting and participating in class activities. Jonty you are amazing, keep it up.
Brooklyn got the class award on Friday 22 March for a great attitude towards learning and a great application to tasks. He has also been doing amazing work in maths. Well done Brooklyn.
A BIG thank you to Richmond Glass from Room 5. Richmond Glass sponsor our school newsletter so we sent them a thank you card with a photo on the front and this is the photo you see above. We all signed the inside of the card.
Aliyah got the class award on Friday 15 March for writing amazing stories, good work in maths and being really focused on school tasks. Well done Aliyah, keep this up.
Kieran got the Room 5 class award on Friday 8 March for great progress in many subjects. He is on fire at the moment and thoroughly deserves this award. Keep on trying Kieran. Well done.
Lucy M got the class award on Friday 1 March for focus and participation. Lucy takes an active part in all class programmes and focuses on them very well. Your attitude is amazing, keep this up. Well done Lucy
Ella O got the class award on Friday 22 Feb for an amazing application and attitude to all learning tasks. She always sees tasks through to completion. Well done Ella.
Che Gambell got the first class award in Room 5 this year for his enthusiasm for learning and willingness to engage in learning tasks. What a great start to the year. Well done Che.