Brooklyn got the class award on Friday 22 March for a great attitude towards learning and a great application to tasks. He has also been doing amazing work in maths. Well done Brooklyn.
A BIG thank you to Richmond Glass from Room 5. Richmond Glass sponsor our school newsletter so we sent them a thank you card with a photo on the front and this is the photo you see above. We all signed the inside of the card.
Aliyah got the class award on Friday 15 March for writing amazing stories, good work in maths and being really focused on school tasks. Well done Aliyah, keep this up.
Kieran got the Room 5 class award on Friday 8 March for great progress in many subjects. He is on fire at the moment and thoroughly deserves this award. Keep on trying Kieran. Well done.
Lucy M got the class award on Friday 1 March for focus and participation. Lucy takes an active part in all class programmes and focuses on them very well. Your attitude is amazing, keep this up. Well done Lucy
Ella O got the class award on Friday 22 Feb for an amazing application and attitude to all learning tasks. She always sees tasks through to completion. Well done Ella.
Che Gambell got the first class award in Room 5 this year for his enthusiasm for learning and willingness to engage in learning tasks. What a great start to the year. Well done Che.